This is how you start

This is not the first time I have tried creating a blog. Everybody tries doing things, but rarely anybody can get past the first day or two, even less past week, month, year. Even though each and every one of us is special, we are not so different. Same animal different person. Start off almost the same and we learn to be different, some go one way, some other, most of us stay where we are.
This is my shot (one of many, maybe many more to come) at going somewhere. Forward? Maybe. Action brings uncertainty of outcome, but certainty of change. What kind of change? Depends of what actions you take.
This is me taking action, might be small, might be shit, but it can’t get worse.
Death is coming, don’t be waiting for it, keep going and if and when it catches up with you, you better hope you had a fun ride.

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